Keeping Kids Hydrated
Thirst, like hunger, is one of the most basic physiological signals that our body gives off to nudge us to act. It’s definitely an uneasy sensation that emanates to every part of the body, and it’s for good reason—thirst should be quenched right away or we will suffer the consequence: dehydration.
You may probably have heard of dehydration, but in reality, it’s not something that gets talked about often. Did you know that there’s an incident that’s called continuous dehydration? It’s a slow killer, literally. It poses many problems that will reflect on the renal and neurological health at a point of near failure because, for many years, our body hasn't been efficient in washing away the toxic build-up in its organs and tissues. This build-up, due to dehydration, will put you at greater risk in experiencing heart disease, obesity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, hypertension, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease among others.
So, there is no point in staying thirsty. Drink up and give yourself a hand, or a glassful. While you’re on it, go over this cool infographic brought to you by—the go-to place in the Internet for every kid’s afterschool activities in the UAE.
You may probably have heard of dehydration, but in reality, it’s not something that gets talked about often. Did you know that there’s an incident that’s called continuous dehydration? It’s a slow killer, literally. It poses many problems that will reflect on the renal and neurological health at a point of near failure because, for many years, our body hasn't been efficient in washing away the toxic build-up in its organs and tissues. This build-up, due to dehydration, will put you at greater risk in experiencing heart disease, obesity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcers, hypertension, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease among others.
So, there is no point in staying thirsty. Drink up and give yourself a hand, or a glassful. While you’re on it, go over this cool infographic brought to you by—the go-to place in the Internet for every kid’s afterschool activities in the UAE.
[ Source: After School ]
Keeping Kids Hydrated
Reviewed by Admin